NINE12, a non-profit organization, invests in people who find themselves in financial distress.
When you meet the needs of others, great thanksgiving is given to God.
Thank you in advance for your contribution.
Over $2 million invested in others.
Donor Advised Fund
A DAF is a charitable giving account designed exclusively to invest, grow, and give assets to charities for meaningful and lasting impact. You can donate cash or assets into your DAF and direct it to NINE12 Ministries.
A one time gift or giving monthly, quarterly, or annually is simple.
Click the link below to enter your contribution. Know that your tax deductible gifts are carefully directed to meet the needs of others.
A gift of any amount may be mailed via personal or business check to:
2816 E. Robinson St. Orlando, FL 32803. Year-end receipts for 501c3 tax deduction will be provided.